Kristin has been elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineers (NAE)!
Kristin has been elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineers (NAE)!
Rohith and Mackenize have been awarded the Jane Lewis Fellowship for the 2024-2025 cycle!
Mackenzie has been awarded the MSE Department’s Corrosion Award!
Kristin has been named a 2024 Distinguished Scientist Fellow by the U.S Department of Energy’s Office of Science!
Guy (Persson Group) and Nathan (Ceder Group) were awarded the inaugural 2023 Didier de Fontaine Student Award in Theory and Computation offered by the UC Berkeley MSE Department!
Kristin has been elected as a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in its 2024 Class for Chemistry!
Kristin has been named a Fellow of the Materials Research Society!
Kristin gave the prestigious Dresselhaus Memorial Lecture at the International Workshop on Advanced Materials!
Kristin was named a 2022 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)!
Caitlin has been awarded the Kavli ENSI Graduate Student Fellowship!
Kristin has won the prestigious the Cyril Stanley Smith Award! For more information, view this UC Berkeley MSE Department post.
Evan won the Battery Student Slam at the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver, Canada!
Andrew was selected to present at the University of Washington’s Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar series!
Ruoxi has been awarded the Excellent Contributed Talk Award for the 2022 MRS Spring Meeting, Symposion EQ08!
Martin was awarded the Computational and Modeling Technology Department Recognition Award from Intel!
Evan has been selected as a 2022-2023 Kavli ENSI Philomathia Graduate Student Fellow!
Kristin has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) “for leadership and vision in the field of data-driven materials design”! Congrats Kristin!
Ryan won both the People’s Choice Award and 2nd Place in the 2021 Berkeley Lab Research SLAM!
Rachel won the Berkeley AS&T Excellence in Research Award! Congratulations Rachel!
Rachel won the Material Science department’s Ross Tucker Award for the advancement of semiconductor materials technologies!
Oxana has won the 2020 Berkeley Lab Runaround T-shirt design competition!
Rachel won First Place at the 2021 BERC Energy Summit Innovation Expo poster session!
Eric Sivonxay won the Berkeley College of Engineering/Materials Science and Engineering Corrosion Award for the 2020-2021 academic year!
John was featured on “A Day in the Half Life”, a science podcast produced at LBNL, to discuss machine learning! Listen here.
Listen in here to Patrick’s interview on The MongoDB Podcast, and view the blog post & original Twitter post!
Kristin has been recognized by Web of Science as belonging to the top 1% of highly cited researchers in the Cross-Field category!
Julian has received The Electrochemical Society’s (ECS) Battery Division Student Award!
Rachel’s op-ed “A Stay-at-Home Scientist’s Strategy for Synthesizing Sustainable Support Structures” was published in Chemistry of Materials!
John and Matt Horton were featured in the editorial “Snapshots of Life - Early Career Materials Scientists Managing in the Midst of a Pandemic” in Chemistry of Materials!
Rachel is a semi-finalist for the 2020 Berkeley Grad Slam!
Caitlin, Guy, Hetal, and Evan all passed their Materials Science and Engineering Department Preliminary Exam!
Kara won first place in the poster competition at the AIChE conference!
Rebecca Stern won the Zeiss Award for Talents in the Photomask Industry 1st Place Best Student Poster 2019 at the SPIE Photomask Technology and EUV Lithography Conference Monterey USA.
Congratulations to Brandon for completing his PhD!
R&D magazine’s article, Using Supercomputers to Identify Synthesizeable Photocatalysts for Greenhouse CO2 Gas Reduction, features recent work in our group and an interview with Arunima.
Citrine’s “Datalab” materials informatics podcast interviewed Kristin about the Materials Project. Listen to it here.
Rachel has been awarded a 2019 ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship to conduct research at EPFL!
The book Modeling Electrochemical Energy Storage at the Atomic Scale, recently published online and in print, features an open-access chapter on Elucidating Solvation Structures for Rational Design of Multivalent Electrolytes by Nidhi, Trevor, Brandon, Xiaohui, and Kristin.
Our group’s work as part of the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) is being recognized with the Secretary of Energy Honor Award, the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s highest form of internal employee recognition. Congratulations to current and former group members Nidhi, Xiaohui, Miao, Yongwoo, Anubhav, Miriam, Brandon, Julian, Trevor, Donny, and Kristin for the culmination of work that led to this recognition.
LBL’s Scientific Computing Group interviewed Shyam in a Science IT Profiles article highlighting the Materials Project and our group’s recent “synthesizability skyline” work. Read it here.
Rachel won the Best Student Paper award at the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion for her transparently conducted investigation of Cu-Zn-S alloys as back contacts for CdTe devices.
Forbes interviewed Kristin about supercomputing at LBNL and the potential for computing to change the face of materials discovery, synthesis, and manufacturing. Read it here.
American Public Media’s “Marketplace” radio program interviewed Kristin about battery technology. Listen to it / read the transcript here.
A Department of Energy “Direct Current” podcast convering all 17 national labs in 17 minutes highlighted Kristin and the Materials Project as representative of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Listen to it / read the transcript here (Kristin is at the 12:30 mark).
Our work on formalising the integration of Pourbaix diagrams with nanoscale aqueous clusters was published in Nature Communications and featured in ScienceDaily. Read the open-access article here.
Nidhi was selected to present at the University of Washington’s Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar series.
Kristin received the 2017 Early Career Faculty Fellow Award from the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) at the 146th TMS Annual Meeting in San Diego. More info here.
Watch Kristin’s talk, “The Materials Project – A Google of Materials”, given at the 2016 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16).
Materials Project efforts were recently highlighted by a Nature news feature, Can artificial intelligence create the next wonder material?
We are hosting a two-day, hands-on workshop for the Materials Project user community in Berkeley, CA on August 11-12. More info here.
Forbes interviewed Kristin about the Materials Project and, more broadly, about the impact of supercomputing on innovation in energy technologies. Read all about it here.
Our recent review article [pdf], on density functional theory (DFT) as an indispensible tool in the design of new materials, has been featured on Nature Reviews Materials’s home page (update 2015-01-21: also featured by LBL’s daily newsletter).
Our work as part of the Center for Next Generation of Materials by Design, a DOE Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC), is featured in this video (5min) produced for the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting. Find out more about the EFRC here.
Our piezoelectric properties dataset for the Materials Project was featured by the Berkeley Lab news center.
The Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) has highlighted our work on integrating high-throughput experimentation and theory/computation for rapid identification of photoelectrochemical materials for photoanodes.
Materials Today has featured our Elecrolyte Genome work in a news piece, “Big data plugs battery material gap”.
Dr. Nav Nidhi Rajput received an award from the committee of this year’s Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS) conference, which will have a “Materials Genome” theme.
Our elastic properties dataset for the Materials Project was featured by the Berkeley Lab news center.
Our work on aragonite formation in seawater was featured by the MIT News Office.
We are happy to announce two new group members, Dr. Yongwoo Shin and Dr. Hong (Kevin) Ding. We also bid farewell to Miriam Brafman and wish her success in entrepreneurship.
Our article in Computational Materials Science on the Material Project’s REST API is now available online. Check it out in our publications section.
We made the cover of Scientific American!
Watch Kristin’s seven-minute talk, “A Google for Materials”, given at Berkeley Lab’s “Eight Big Ideas – Science at the Theater” event.